Photo by Andrew Measham on Unsplash
Jonathan Yip
return to sender
checked starboard, scatter plot:
rough dots - pupils. checked
my entry: this message in a
bottle. i release it. hear my
voice, i've cast the bait. bottle
your thoughts, shallow voice
who thunders in the deep. this
swell in uproar - tell me who
can see it? is it more an under-
current? i know those who can
feel it are swept off by its wave,
but up in the poles, i only feel
numb to this dream. on this
plot of ice i am dulled and numb.
Jonathan Yip is an aspiring plant enthusiast. This implies that he is not terribly excited by plants yet, but that he intends to be (preferably in his 60s). In the meantime, he enjoys song-writing, but is often perplexed why most of his songs tend toward the same four chords. While he always enjoys a hearty salad bowl, his favorite type of salad is word salad. "It's the absurdity of it," he explains.